March 2025 Updates

Communication Suite

Email & SMS - We have introduced a new feature that will allow you to schedule emails and text messages to be sent at a future date and time.  You can see all the details here

SMS - Text messages are now sent through Text Local.  You will need to set up your own account with Text Local and link it to your iKnow account.  You will then be able to purchase credits directly from Text Local, no more monthly invoices from us.  See more information here

Email Attachments - The maximum size for files attached to emails is now 10MB.  This is the combined file size, so if you add multiple attachments, the size of all the attachments combined cannot exceed 10MB


Custom Forms

Sections - Fixed an issue where changes to the order of Sections wasn't being reflected on embedded Custom Forms

Publish/Expiry Dates - Fixed an issue that prevented adding Publish or Expiry dates for Custom Forms

Login Option - Put the Login option back on to Custom Forms, so iKnow users can log in to their iKnow account from linked forms and have their details populated automatically

Logo/Church Name - Added the logo, added in Settings>Branding, and the church name, to linked Custom Forms



Matrix Reports - Fixed an issue that was resulting in duplicate entries appearing in the Matrix Reports

Printouts - Fixed an issue that prevented the PDF being generated for Medical/Custom Questions in Check-In

Search - Fixed an issue where searching for a child didn't work, in some circumstances

Reports - Fixed an issue where Guardian's Addresses were not appearing on downloaded reports



Calendar - Stopped the Events calendar from jumping back to this month after adding or editing an event in a different month

Invites - Fixed an issue that meant the response links weren't appearing on some invitation emails



Safeguarding Concern forms - this new feature makes it easy for concerns to be raised securely by creating a Safeguarding Concern form that can be embedded on your website, sent as a link, or accessed via an iKnow Church generated QR Code. Submitted concerns are then stored directly within the Safeguarding module.

Assign Concerns - Concerns can now be assigned to a member of your Safeguarding team. To enable this option go to Safeguarding > Settings > Options

Concerns Filtering - withing concerns you can now filter your concerns based on Stage and who it is assigned to.

Import - DBS Certificate numbers can now be included in your CSV file and be imported directly into iKnow Safeguarding

Search - Fixed an issue with searching for people when adding them to a Concern

Embed Form - You are now able to add an embedded form on your website, to allow people to report safeguarding concerns through the site.  These will come through to Safeguarding to be checked before being added as a Concern.



Group Events - Fixed an issue that prevented events that hadn't taken place, being removed, under Record Attendance, on the My Group page.


Mobile App

Join a Team - Fixed an issue where Join a Team requests were not being sent from the Mobile App



Downloads - Fixed an issue that meant downloads within the Finance module weren't being generated

Payment Method - Fixed an issue that stopped Payment Methods being replaced in My Giving

Activity Log - Fixed an issue that stopped a new donor's name appearing when viewing extra information


Room Booking

Approvals - Fixed an issue that was causing Approvals to not appear on the Approvals page

Linking Events - Fixed an issue that stopped events being linked to Room Bookings


Custom Fields

Person Field - Fixed an issue that meant people selected from the People database, in the Person Field type, weren't being saved in the Custom Field



Rotas - Fixed an issue that stopped PDF Rota printouts being produced

First published on: 6th March 2025
Powered by Church Edit