January Offer:   6 Months Free  (16 Months for the price of 10) >



See the big picture, helping you with your church growth and strategy.

Reporting and stats

Your trusted volunteers can input church attendance with the click of a button, and you can have the oversight. View smart reports that give insight into patterns and changes at your church. Use the metrics tool to view statistics on people in teams and people in home groups.  There are also reports on journeys so that leaders can see the church discipleship walk as a whole.


Live data at your fingertips keeping you ‘in the know’ about the life of your church. Whether it is  recording pastoral notes, or using your ‘people’ data to pinpoint the right person for a task, the data in iKnow can empower you in your leadership processes and decision making.

Service and Event Planning

Plan all services and meetings with input from team members. You can create plans that can be accessed and edited by those who are involved in an event. You can also send invites and attachments in order to manage all of the elements of an event. When you’re ready, use the Teams module to schedule the correct team to serve. iKnow also has a ticketing module if you are wanting to create free or paid for tickets to unmissable church events.

Multiple Churches

Use iKnow to manage multiple churches. Each individual church can have a calendar, room booking, groups and teams. Users can have access to one church, or multiple, depending on their role and responsibility in your church.


The finance module in iknow can track any giving you receive. Input all cash giving and process card payments too. You can then assign any giving to the appropriate campaign or designation. You’ll always be able to separate donations for the new roof, missions or the upcoming outreach trip.

Claim Gift Aid quickly (within 7 business days) using our full HMRC integration. This means you’ll have more accessibility to increased cash flow. Only for those who need it though, you can restrict access to this module to key team members. Volunteers can participate with limited access to things such as the input of Sunday giving.


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