What is 'The Cloud'

‘The Cloud’ refers to software and services that run on the internet, rather than through software that is physically stored on your computer. Google Drive, Netflix, Dropbox and email providers, such as Yahoo Mail, are all examples of cloud-based services.

Whilst data is retrieved from the cloud through an internet service, the data itself is being stored on a physical storage unit, held within a tightly secured data centre. This provides far greater security should your device, be it a computer, laptop or mobile device, be stolen or lost, then any sensitive information you hold via the cloud will not be compromised.

iKnow Church is a cloud-based church database system, which means that it can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection. There is a great advantage to this, particularly for churches, as many churches are being run by those with other full time commitments. If the church was to have a database stored physically on one computer network, rather than in the cloud, it would require that work is done from a central location.

Files could be shared via an email or by saving to an external device such as a USB stick but there is a danger in those files becoming lost, stolen, or corrupted. If one person makes updates to a file, then those updates would need to be shared in order to ensure correct information is accessible to everyone who needs that information. This puts undue strain on those running the church and limits the church’s capacity to function within daily life.

There are huge advantages in using cloud-based software, as it creates a freedom in the way that we work, allowing work to be done remotely, through a variety of mediums such as a computer, laptop or mobile device, rather than the need to be situated in a specific location, or for the need to constantly share data across unsecure networks and devices.

The cloud enhances collaboration, as several people can work on one project together, allowing for the most recent and up-to-date information to be accessed by everyone involved. It is also a much safer option when it comes to safeguarding and securing sensitive data.  

Safety is one of the key features of the cloud, as it offers a much safer option than many other forms of data-keeping.

As already mentioned, having sensitive information stored locally on your device could compromise that data should the device be stolen, lost, corrupted, damaged or hacked into. Likewise, should data be shared through conventional means, security measures will be compromised if the device used for sharing is stolen, hacked, or otherwise corrupted.

When it comes to the storage and processing of other people’s data, churches need to be careful in how they handle the information. A cloud-based database puts complex security methods in place, through the use of encryption and intricate algorithms, which cannot be easily be broken, nor can it be replicated through traditional storage methods.

Data stored locally on computers, hard drives or physical filing cabinets cannot compete with the level of security that the cloud offers, which is why at iKnow Church, we utilise the cloud for our system. Ensuring that data stored within iKnow Church is safe and available when you need it is essential, which is why we make sure that your data is completely secure and reliably stored.

iKnow Church have robust methods in place to make sure church data is safely stored, you can find out more about our security measures on our website, or contact a member of our team who are happy to answer any queries that you may have.


You can call us on 0121 651 1125, or email hello@iknowchurch.co.uk.

iKnow Church - Church Admin Made Simple!


First published on: 9th May 2018
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