Prayer, a powerful tool that can transform the church. We all know the importance of prayer but it can sometimes be difficult to create a prayerful culture within our churches.
As a Christian company, we understand the importance of a praying church and we are passionate to see the church working at it’s full potential for God, so although iKnow is great to use for administrative purposes, we keep the wider picture in mind during our developments. One of these is how we can incorporate life filled prayer into the church, below are some ways that iKnow will help you to bring the church together for effective and fervent prayer.
Prayer and Praise Tool
Every member on iKnow has access to the Prayer and Praise tool, a great way for the whole church to get behind each other with supportive prayers. This can easily be incorporated into an individual's prayer time at home, where they can login to iKnow and pray through the prayer list that members have been posting up - there is of course a praise option too so that we can praise God for the wonderful things he has been doing for our brothers and sisters, which can really build up encouragement in the church.
Map App
The Map App can also be a great way for the leadership team to get involved in praying for the church, whilst we suggest that you limit access to the Map App module itself due to the sensitive nature of it, core leadership members can access it and use it to pray for individuals across the whole of the church or to pray over certain locations that may need prayer.
If you wanted to share this map with the prayer team within church then it is very helpful to take a screenshot of this map and print it off, so that the prayer team can use the map for their prayers without being given access to the app itself.
Processes and the Prayer Chain
Everything we do in church should always be underpinned in prayer, however as Christians ourselves we certainly understand the many barriers that we face everyday regarding our prayer lives, which is why we are developing ways that we can integrate prayer into everyday aspects of church life.
Prayer is more than an individual activity, sometimes it requires a team of people but getting people together to pray is not always as easy as we would like it to be, we all face many practical barriers to gathering together in this modern age. By using Processes and Circles, iKnow can help you in mobilising the church into prayer.
Processes allow you to pastor the church through involving various members and groups, so you could have a ‘bereavement process’ set up so that as soon as an individual in the church loses a loved one, an automatic process is set off that starts promptings for the prayer teams in church to pray for the family. Several steps can be created within a process so you can involve the prayer team within any number of processes, such as when someone first joins an Alpha group or first joins the church, gets baptised and so on.
The iKnow team are committed to the healthy growth of churches, so if there is a goal that you are looking to achieve then we are here to help you so feel free to give us a call on 0121 651 1125, or to email us on