The Map App

The Map App

Because we can’t maneuver stars over towns...

What a gift God has given us in Christ! (2 Corinthians 9:15). And it’s that time of the year which presents us with even more opportunities to evangelise and share the Good News of Jesus as we celebrate the birth of God incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14).

Many Churches do this by hosting Carol Services and Nativities, and who doesn’t love them!? It’s one of few times of the year unbelievers are most likely to come to Church. But without a star in the sky to lead them to your Church, do they know you’re hosting a Christmas event?

iKnow Church comes equipped with a Mapp App

Now, whilst it won’t track Santa for you (sorry), it does show you the surrounding area of the Church, and the streets that members of your congregation live on; faces that will be familiar to the local area, where you can be the ‘star’ that goes to them (Matt 5:16).

This tool can be helpful for:

  • Locating your target audience

  • Distributing flyers

  • Deciding on where you may go Carol singing

  • Knowing which areas to focus on

  • Knowing your potential reach, and

  • Knowing where you may need to branch out!

The above points aren’t just useful for Christmas, but all year round. Though maybe not the Carol singing!

“See, the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a Son, and they will name Him Immanuel, which is translated “God is with us” (Isa 7:14, Matt 1:23).

We have a marvel to celebrate, and may your endeavours to share the celebrations with others be blessed.

Prophets had foretold it, a mighty King would come
Long awaited Ruler, God's Anointed One
But the Sovereign of all looked helpless and small
As God gave the world His own Son

And who would have dreamed or ever foreseen
That we could hold God in our hands?
The Giver of Life is born in the night
Revealing God's glorious plan
To save the world!

Sovereign Grace - Who Would Have Dreamed?

Lyrics by Sovereign Grace. (c) 2014 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved.

First published on: 6th December 2021
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