The iKnow Vision

The iKnow Vision

The start of a new calendar can be a great opportunity to take a fresh look and re-prioritse the important things in life. Not only is it the start of a new year but for many it’s also the start of new Lifestyle choices. Our New Year’s Resolutions shape the way we act and live, especially during the early stages of the year, but hopefully they form changes that stick with us and form new habits and lifestyles that we continue to build on over many years (On that note, how are we all doing with our Resolutions?). Personally, I resolved to be more generous in all aspects of life. I can’t say that I’ve got it nailed yet, but I’m certainly getting there...

At iKnow Church, we like to keep the really important things central to everything we do. Where New Year’s Resolutions can fade as the initial enthusiasm abates, principles persevere and drive you to keep your vision. For us, Pastoral Care is a crucial part of the purpose of iKnow Church. In fact, our Mission Statement is built around it! John 10:14 states:

“I am the good Shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me”

We love this passage because not only does it provide insight into the level of relationship between an ancient near-eastern Shepherd and his livestock, but of God and his creation too!

For those of us who study the Bible, we’ll know that in biblical times Shepherds lived with their livestock. Reading chapter 10 of the fourth Gospel, we learn the extent to which shepherds were present with their flock. Not only were they the supporter, defender and provider for the sheep, but they were the best person for the job, you could even say that they were called to the role! The author of the fourth gospel explains how hired hands have no real commitment to the wellbeing of the flock, but as the shepherd, the buck stopped with them. The shepherd knows each and everyone of their sheep, and the sheep know and trust the shepherd even by the sound of his voice!

This mindset of dedication and purpose inspires us to provide the best support to each and every Church Leader, no matter where they are or what type of Church they lead. That’s why so many of the tools we provide are simple to use, and built around enabling you to know your sheep more. Many of the iKnow team have been involved in Church Ministry in some shape or form, so we understand many of the challenges you face and we know the processes you need to go through. We’re here when you need us, and in the event that you find yourself stuck or needing help, much like the good shepherd, we’re just a phone call or email away.

First published on: 6th February 2019
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