As The Church moves into a new season of starting to gather again, we are working to bring some new updates to further support you. We’ll update you on these very soon!
iKnow is built with flexibility enabling you to use areas of the software that best suit your infrastructure. Below, we’ve highlighted the different modules that can help you in this transition time as a church.

If you’re looking to promote your weekly services on a website, via social media and need people to book in then use ticketing to help you with your administration.
- Create a booking page / Ticket
- People can book into a service
- Cap the numbers per service (due to COVID19 Government Guidelines)
- Run multiple service times with capped numbers
- Create ticket types to identify, individuals or families / groups coming together.
- Link to promote via social media or a website
- Auto-email feature to confirm their booking
- Download a list of bookings with your ticket types to help plan your setup.
- CSV download for registrations
Record customised attendance figures at all of your church services and events
Metrics Reports
View reports compiled with all of the data from your iKnow account. For help with decision making and oversight.
Create online forms so that members of the community can contact the church to notify of needs, and prayer requests. Embed these in your website, or send them directly in an email.
Meeting Planner
Suitable if your services are being organised by invite only for your church community and you’re not promoting bookings on a website.
- Send an invite email to specific people
- Accept or Decline feature
- Use the communication suite to email the specific groups of people
- See a list of those booked in, those who have said no or not responded
- Check-in those who have accepted the invitation.
- You’ll have a report of those who attended the event for attendance.
If tracking attendance within iKnow Church to support pastoral care is key during this season, you can use the groups module in a different way. Although the Groups module is primarily for home groups, you can create one called ‘Sunday Services’ and include all your people in the group. Groups allow’s you to take attendance, non attendance and record visitors.
**Anyone who has attended a service that you’ve recorded through using either Ticketing or Meeting planner can be cross checked in the Groups Module and their attendance recorded to track through their profile.
We will keep you posted with the new updates coming to iKnow Church to help you move forward through COVID19.