September 2024 Updates

Latest updates to iKnow Church released over September 2024.

New Look for iKnow Church

The biggest change to the iKnow Church interface since we started iKnow way back in 2010 has now gone live.  We've spent a long time planning and then developing this update with a whole new look for iKnow Church. We are sure you will agree that this is a huge improvement with fresh new icons in a fully responsive design.

Grouping together modules

We've grouped together some of the apps within iKnow Church, to make it easier to navigate and find your tools. 

People now includes groups, teams, finder and map

Events includes calendar, ticketing and child check-in

Statistics includes metrics and abacus

New  iKnow Church icons


We've also updated the settings area and grouped these together. There is also a search field so you can quickly find the setting you are trying to change. 

iKnow Settings

First published on: 25th September 2024
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