September 2020 Updates

These are the latest updates that have been applied to iKnow Church.


Many churches are using iKnow Church to help as they start to meet again in church buildings. The check-in update we released in July has really helped with knowing who has attended your services incase you need this for track and trace.

Map Attendees to your People database

We've now updated the ticketing module so that you can map your attendees with people in your iKnow database. If someone is not on your database then they can be added with a few clicks. 

Contact Attendees

If you do need to contact attendees of your event, then this can be done directly within the ticketing module. You will have the option to contact all attendees, or those who have been checked into the event. Clicking on either of these options opens up the iKnow Communication Suite. 


Teams and Rotas

When duplicating team sets, it will warn of any clashes with other team rotas. 

When viewing/ editing a rota, it will open in the same window rather than a new one. 



First published on: 15th September 2020
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