Planning Ahead: Are You ready for Church!?

Planning ahead
Are you ready for Church!?

As more and more Churches reopen their doors to gather as the Church - the body of believers - again (Eph. 1:22-23), we realise it's important that there’s a plan in place to accommodate and facilitate our members and new visitors into our services and events. Not only that, it’s important to ensure those involved are kept up to date. iKnow can help you with this.


Do you have a plan?

With restrictions continuing to be eased and Church gatherings looking back on the cards (woohoo!), have you got a plan in motion for a swift return to in person Sunday services where the congregation can once again belt out, ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness!’ together and have a cuppa with a biscuit after the service? Who’s on the hospitality rota? Who’s on Media? Let us encourage you to get thinking!


iKnow is a great way to keep your teams up to date immediately with several ways to send messages, plan rotas according to people's availability, and assign people to specific tasks in certain roles.


Schedule your events and give people the chance to book and be excited about having things in the diaries again! You can schedule free events or sell tickets with iKnow, ensuring you don’t exceed your capacity. You can also schedule your kids groups, checking children in and out to ensure safety.


Keep your Calendar up to date so that those who have access can keep in the know of all that you’re running. You can easily integrate your calendar onto your website so you are not updating two calendars. If you need help with your website then don’t forget about our sister solution - Church Edit. Read our related article about ensuring you communicate your plans via your website here.

Communication Suite

As we’ve mentioned above, the Communication Suite isn’t just to communicate with your teams or even just your Church members; you can communicate to all who are listed in your directory. Once your plans are finalised, or even if there’s changes that need to be made, communicate them with ease, whether email, text or letter, in just a few clicks using the Communication Suite.

Push Notifications

As well as linking articles from your website and uploading your podcasts for easy listening, with our custom mobile app, you can also easily send push notifications to people's mobile phones providing they’ve downloaded your app. More information on our mobile apps can be found here.

Praise God that one day soon we shall be back together, “addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with our hearts, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:19-21). ay the absence stir our hearts to worship together like never before!

First published on: 18th May 2021
Powered by Church Edit