October 2024 Updates

Latest updates to iKnow Church released over October 2024.

Brand new Safeguarding tools

Safeguarding in an important part of church - ensuring that those in our care are looked after.  We've spent the past 10 months developing this brand new tool to help you fulfil your Safeguarding duties.  This Safeguarding module has lots of tools to help you and we developed this in consultation with thirtyone:eight.


Unlike most of the other modules within iKnow Church, access to the Safeguarding module cannot be given by roles or within people. Access is strictly for the Account Safeguarding Lead(s) who can then give additional people access from within the Safeguarding module.

Account Safeguarding Leads have access to the full Safeguarding module, and they can give access to other Safeguarding team members and restrict access to DBS or to a certain area of the Concerns tool.

Any information added to the Safeguarding module cannot be accessed from any other part of iKnow Church. 


Securely record and track concerns along with setting stages of a Concern.  Upload support documents and add all the required information to your Concern and see any other Concerns a person has been involved. 

Add historic Concerns or notes to iKnow Church so they are timestamped with the relevant dates to build up a chronological timeline of the concern.

People iconsRisk Assessments

Risk Assessments can be created for different scenarios and then used in a Concern or for a DBS check.  Create the different Risk Assessments required and then they can be added to an individual person in a Concern or DBS.  Set a re-assessment date if required. See which Risk Assessments are due for re-assessment for people involved in a Concern and for DBS checks.


Add each Applicant to iKnow where you can store information relating to the DBS and track progress. 

See when DBS checks are due
For each applicant you can set a refresh date for when the Certificate is to be renewed.  Upcoming refresh dates are shown so you can easily see when refreshes are due.

Integration with thirtyone:eight

If your church is a member of thirtyone:eight then DBS Recruiters can request new DBS checks from from within iKnow Church. Once the Certificate has been dispatched, iKnow Church will automatically be updated. 


Like all of iKnow Church, we've built the Safeguarding. module to be a customisable as possible. Custom Fields can be created for both Concerns and DBS/Checks allowing you to set what information should be recorded within iKnow. For larger organisations, you can also set Custom Fields to only be viewable by Account Safeguarding Leads. 


Auditing of what changes are made within the module are only viewable to the Account Safeguarding Lead. 

Multiple Locations

If your church has multiple locations then you can use iKnow Church to record Concerns and manage DBS/ Checks with local Safeguarding Leads only having access to their own location. Account Safeguarding Leads can have oversight and access to all locations.

What to do when your church has access to the Safeguarding module

We are rolling out this new module to churches over the coming few weeks. Once your church has the update, a message will display on the iKnow Dashboard to administrators asking them to select the Account Safeguarding Lead. Once this has been done only the Account Safeguarding Lead and anyone whom they add to the Safeguarding module will be able to access. Safeguarding. 

Register for a webinar

Find out more about the Safeguarding module by registering for one of our webinars or accessing the training videos

First published on: 31st October 2024
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