November 2022 Updates

These are the latest updates released for iKnow Church during November 2022

Apple PayApple Pay and Google Pay

We continue to add enhancements to the Donations module and this month have added Apple Pay and Google Pay making it even easier for people to donate to your church.  There is nothing you need to do to enable this - it will automatically appear for donors if they are on a device or browser that has Apple Pay or Google Pay enabled.

Apple Pay and Google Pay has also been added to our ticketing system for people purchasing tickets through your iKnow Church account. 

If you are not yet using the Donations module for your church then find out all the features available including recurring donations, gift aid claims, campaigns and more.

All New Dashboard

We've updated the dashboard to an all new style showing church administrators everything they need to know from the first page.

There are a range of widgets designed in our new iKnow Church style.

Update Widgets:

  • Church scroller 
  • My rotas
  • Prayer and Praise 
  • Upcoming events

Brand new widgets based on a persons access:

  • People search 
  • Room booking
  • Ticket sales
  • Take attendance for Abacus
  • Small group widget

Rota WidgetPeople WidgetRoom Booking


The Metrics have been updated to the new iKnow Church style and also contain our updated charts and graphs providing a much clearer way to view the statistics for the church. 

We've also added a new bar chart showing the nationalities that make up your church.



First published on: 25th November 2022
Powered by Church Edit