May 2022 Updates

These are the updates applied to iKnow Church over May 2022

Finance Module

We continue to make enhancements to the new iKnow Church Finance module and updates during May 2022 include:

Payouts information - the main Finance administrator(s) can now view the breakdown of payouts from iKnow Church. This new tab is found within Finance > Settings.

Charity Payouts

Maximum Donation - the maximum donation that can be made in one transaction is now £999,999. If you are blessed with a multi-million pound donation to the church then it will need to be split into separate donations of under £1,000,000.  (You can then use the iKnow Church HMRC Gift Aid integration to easily claim any allowed Gift Aid on the donation!)

Warning when requirements need updating - every now and then churches and charities will need to provide additional information on the charity or trustees so as to meet various compliance rules. This showed within Finance > Settings but will also now show for the Finance Administrator(s) at the top of the main pages within Finance should something be required within the next 2 months.  

Message when accounts need updating


First published on: 11th May 2022
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