March 2020 Updates

These are the latest updates that have been applied to all churches using iKnow Church.


Forms are a great addition to iKnow Church and we've had lots of positive feedback since the launch in December 2019. We've now made it possible to download a PDF version of the forms for people to fill out offline. 

New Church Selector

For iKnow Church users with more than one church you will have noticed an updated menu selector for changing churches. This is in preparation for some new functionality we will be rolling out over the next few months.

My Messages

When someone logins into iKnow Church they will see the messages that have been sent to them from the church through iKnow. These will include emails and text messages. Within Settings, Administrators will be able to see when messages were sent through iKnow (they won't see any message content).


The rotas make it easy to manage your teams and have automatic reminders sent to people 3 days before they are due to serve. There may be times when a church or team require a print out of the rota which is why we have always had PDF and CSV options available. We've now updated the CSV download to also include any notes added to the rota.

Mobile App

We've had a big update to the Mobile App with the inclusion of Small Groups and Abacus in the latest version of the App. We are in the process of upgrading mobile apps to version 3 of our apps. If you missed the dedicated Whats New then visit our What's New section

Don't forget that for churches who have not got their own Custom App, your church can use the free iKnow App that is available for Apple and Android. 

Mobile App Link on Login Page

Churches can now turn on a link so that the mobile app shows an an option when logging onto iKnow Church via the web browser. To turn this on go to Settings > App Builder and if you are using the iKnow App go down to section 3 "Share At Your iKnow Login".


Your churches code and QR code is then available for members to login to the mobile app:


First published on: 14th March 2020
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