January 2025 Updates

These are the latest updates that have been released for all churches over January 2025


Since releasing our Safeguarding tools last Autumn we have received overwhelming positive feedback including comments such as 'This should be used by every church'.  We are grateful for the feedback received and the ideas for further developments. 

These are the updates released over January:

DBS/Checks importer - managing checks is easy with the new module, giving reminders of when Certificates should be renewed. We've now made it even easier to get your checks added to iKnow with an easy to use importer. 

DBS Update Service - for churches in England and Wales, we've now added an enhancement to allow for the DBS Update Service to be used for Applicants. A new tab appears in Checks for Update Service listing those Applicants that need to have their Certificate checked. Note: to turn on the Update Service go to Safeguarding > Settings > Checks.

Concerns - when creating a Concern you will now be able to add multiple files at point of creation.

HIEC files (direct from iPhones) can now be added to Concerns and DBS Checks.

Communication - SMS

We have updated our text messaging system to allow for churches to create their own account direct with Text Local rather than being invoiced by iKnow at the end of each month. For churches that use Text Messaging you will need to create your own account with Text Local

Once you have your account with Text Local setup, go to Settings > API key within Text Local and copy the key shown. This will then need to be pasted into iKnow Church under Settings > Integration. 


Profile Pictures - Images from X (formerly Twitter) accounts, can no longer be used for profile pictures in iKnow.

First published on: 13th January 2025
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