January 2022 Updates

These are the latest updates that are being applied to iKnow Church over January 2022


Highlight person - just a minor visual update but one we know will help administrators as they are going through multiple records. The middle column will now highlight the profile you are currently looking at.

Data Protection Officers can now see within a persons profile who added that person. 

Data Protection Officers will also see within People a new category called Duplicates where they can search for Duplicate Names and Duplicate Email Addresses.

Users who have access to People and permission to contact will now see a Contact button at the top right of each persons profile so they can easily send an email, text or generate a letter for that person. 


Church Administrators will now be able to reassign or delete Global finder queries created by another user. 


For churches with a large number of teams, there is now a search to filter the teams listed. This filter only appears if more than 5 teams exist. 

First published on: 12th January 2022
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