iShare Conversation Starters

Not only is iKnow a fantastic tool for administrators and church leaders, it is really beneficial for church members too.

One of the more distinguishable features of iKnow for the church member is iShare. iShare is great for getting members talking throughout the week, for encouraging one another, for sharing their lives and just general bonding. It is also the perfect way for leaders of groups and teams to monitor where people are In their walk with God and to spot any issues that may need further pastoral input.

iKnow’s iShare is valuable for members and leaders alike but if you have a quiet group or a team who are perhaps not so used to technology, getting the most out of iShare may seem formidable and disheartening for the eager leader. Should you find yourself in this position, try some of our conversation starter ideas below to help you gain momentum and encourage flowing discussions:

  • Educate - If you have a group that is fearful of technology then explaining what iShare is and how it is beneficial to them should first be addressed. For intergenerational groups, this could provide an unique bonding opportunity, why not pair up the uneasy with technology with the undaunted to show how easy it is to use and supply ongoing support.

  • Create an incentive - Incentives can help to spur initial movement and help in times of low activity. Competitions are great ways to get people excited, a quiz for example, competitions and games help create a feel-good atmosphere and there are numerous games that can be played online (if you are really stuck for inspiration, a conversation with your youth leader will provide tonnes of fun ideas).

  • Integrate it into your regular routine - It is often said that a leader will determine the personality of a group, so if you want your group or team to be active on iShare throughout the week then you need to be too. Maybe you are and you feel like your voice is alone out there. iShare was designed for more than just conversation, if you are leading a group, you could post a weekly document containing notes from each meeting, or discussion topics prior to each meeting. Doing this, gives members a reason to get onto iShare, in order to obtain material. You most likely already use email for tasks like this, consider adding iShare to the communication mix, or moving over to it all together. You could also utilise this during weekly meetings, by encouraging people there and then to access iShare in order to download notes to their mobile device.

  • Use it as a prayer tool - Although iKnow does provide a specific prayer and praise request application via the Dashboard, sometimes prayer can be a personal matter and sharing with a team or group may be the best course of action. Remind your group that iShare is a secure and safe area for them, if they have any needs or requests then they have a 24/7 hotline to the rest of the team or group for prayer. Prayer is an invaluable tool not only for connecting us with God but also with each other.

As a Christian company, our team understand the security issues that churches are facing in a modern society, which is why we provide tools such as iShare that creates a secure platform for fellowship.

If you have additional suggestions or would like to share something that your church is doing, we would love to hear your stories. Get in touch with us on the details below, we may even feature your story in our next newsletter!

You can call us on 0121 651 1125 or email  


iKnow Church - Church Admin Made Simple!



First published on: 25th July 2018
Powered by Church Edit