iKnow Church is selected as Administration Partner for The Church of England

The Church of England Admin Partner Logo.- iKnow ChurchThe Church of England has selected iKnow Church as their partner for Administration Software following a number of years working closely together.  In 2018 iKnow Church was chosen to develop The Life Events Diary - a tool to help Church of England churches manage their Weddings, Funerals, Banns and Baptisms services.  This module was funded by The Church of England and made available to all churches in the Church of England at no cost to the individual churches. 

In 2023, the successor to the Life Events Diary was launched with The Church of England providing Room Booking and Ticketing modules to all churches through The Church Organiser. 

The Church of England has increased integration between the national A Church Near You website and iKnow Church to help churches save time with their administration. 

As well as the full standard features of iKnow Church, churches within The Church of England benefit from:

  • enquiry forms appearing on their A Church Near You profile
  • room booking forms appearing on A Church Near You so people can book a room directly through ACNY
  • retrieve Stats for Mission in just a few clicks
  • manage the Electoral Roll through iKnow Church
  • manage Life Events services with tools to help with admin and follow ups
  • digitally produce your Marriage Registration Documents

Kyle Cottington, of iKnow Church says "We are really pleased to have been chosen as the Church Administration Software Partner.  We've enjoyed working closely with The Church of England over the last 5.5 years and it has felt like a strong partnership since the start. We look forward to continue to work with the central team along with the many churches who continue to join the iKnow Church family."

First published on: 1st January 2024
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