How To Brand Your iKnow Login Page


In this video we show you how to brand your iKnow Church login page.

Firstly login to your account, visit the 'Settings' module and from here go to the 'Branding' area. There are three options when in the 'Branding' area. Firstly, branding of your communication, branding of your printouts and finally branding of your login screen. In this video we will be looking at branding your login screen.

Firstly, press the 'upload' button next to 'Logo' to upload your church's logo and select the file from your computer. The select the 'upload' button next to 'Background' and select your background image from your computer. 

To preview your login page, press the preview button to see what it will look like and when you are happy with how it looks, click the save button.

First published on: 14th June 2019
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