Happy Event Planning!

Happy Planning

Using iKnow Church to Plan Your Church Events



As many Churches continue to open their doors again and slowly but surely seek to return to normal, we can be cautiously optimistic to look ahead at in-person events your Church may hold. Whether it’s a public event like a memorial service, harvest festival, a festive carol service, or a private event like a leaders meeting or an AGM, iKnow has all the features needed to help you plan an event and do so safely.

Your events

Add your event details such as the name, location, time & date, and you can also add any details about any safety measures your Church may still have in place.

You can list free events or sell tickets with iKnow, ensuring you stay within your capacity.

Plans and Attachments

List the order of the event with time frames and add the details of the people for each role so everyone can follow along.

If there are any specific documents that are required for the event, you can attach them here so they’re available to all who may need them to use on a mobile device or print off.

Invitations and Attendance

You can invite individuals or whole circles, groups or teams to your event with a few simple clicks.

As people start to accept the invites and the date to their own calendars, iKnow will keep track of who has accepted, declined or are yet to respond and require a reminder.


Whether to keep track of numbers or for health and safety reasons, guests can be checked-in on arrival either by a door person or launching self-check-in to register their attendance which can also be helpful for any potential follow ups after the event itself.

Calendar Integration

Once your events are listed you can integrate your iKnow Calendar with your Website to publicise them and as a quick and easy way to keep visitors and members uptodate with all that’s going on at the Church.

Video tutorials are available for all of the above here.

Happy planning!

First published on: 2nd September 2021
Powered by Church Edit