February 2022 Updates

These are the latest updates that are being applied to iKnow Church over February 2022


Show how a pending person has been added. Records appearing in pending people now show how the person was added to iKnow. Such as:

  • from a ticketed event (if delegates have also been added to People)
  • from a form (if the form has been setup to also add to People) 
  • from visiting on a Sunday and being registered in Child Checking 
  • from registering via a church mobile app
  • a parent adding a child

Pending Adults

Reorder people in churchRe-ordering of people - if you want to view people by firstname or surname first, then you'll be able to set your preference using the re-order button at the top of the People column.  iKnow will remember your preference so you will not have to keep changing it each time.



As our new Finance module goes through final testing, it is essential that all users of the current Finance module go through the onboarding process for their church now.  Within the current Finance module, follow the steps in the Yellow Bar at the top of the module to ensure donations and ticketed events continue to work once we release this major new update.  To prevent donations/ ticket sales being declined, this must be completed by the main iKnow Finance Administrator or iKnow Master User before the new Finance module goes live for your church. 

If you do not use the Finance Module currently then you should still go through this process so you can start benefiting from the new features when we release the new update. 

First published on: 14th February 2022
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