Does your church have a communication plan?

Does your church have communication strategies in place? If not then you may find that burnout levels are high amongst staff and leaders. Constantly reacting to circumstances, rather than working through them methodically creates unsustainable stress, the solution to avoiding this is have prepared procedures ready-to-hand.

Situations that demand leadership attention can come quickly within a church setting. If there are no plans in place as to how to deal with these in a managed way, then it can escalate fast, consuming time, energy and emotions.

iKnow Church is created to alleviate burdens from church, by giving leaders and staff tools that create healthy, life-giving structure. Organised working patterns will keep the church functioning amongst the crisis that are thrown in.

One of the tools designed to help with exactly this aspect of church life, is iKnow’s Processes. Processes help you assign structures for every situation. Communication can often fall by the wayside when the average leader or staff member are managing church amongst full time jobs and other personal demands. To reduce the lack of communication, Processes assigns tasks to the relevant person based on an automatic reaction to set triggers. For example, when someone suffers a bereavement, this can become a trigger that automatically alerts the prayer team, whilst also assigning the relevant people with pastoral care.

There are numerous ways in which to use Processes, they can be completely tailored to each church’s unique circumstances. Having strong lines of communication is essential for church, especially in a modern world where distractions immense. Getting lost within a bad communication plan can cause unnecessary disappointment and rifts within the church, which otherwise could be avoided.

Reliable communication systems cultivate a healthy church.

Alongside Processes, iKnow gives you the ability to create communication circles, so that finding the correct people for any given situation is a breeze. These circles can be fed into Processes too, freeing up valuable administration time.

Creating groups of people can take your communication plan one step further by allowing you to tailor your messages, making them considerably more effective. The way in which you explain biblical texts and concepts will differ vastly on the background of the person you are talking with. For this reason, segmenting your church database is immensely helpful.

Through the use of circles, you can create any number of groupings you would like, it may be by age, level of faith or maturity, gender, whether they are converts from another faith, how long they have been in the church, whether they serve in a team or not. The list is as long as you would like it to be. iKnow exists to serve the flexible needs of the church, the system is therefore completely tailorable to a variety of contexts.

MailChimp is an excellent free resource for churches to send out email newsletters, and you are able to synchronise your communication circles in iKnow with your MailChimp database, making it even easier for your church to communicate the Gospel message powerfully and effectively.

If you would like further information on the features mentioned in this article, or would like any advice or support, our team are ready to welcome your queries.

You can call us on 0121 651 1125, or email  

iKnow Church - Church Admin Made Simple!



First published on: 4th July 2018
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