The Map Module in iKnow is one of those elements that never fails to look impressive but other than looking good and being a tool to see the extent of the congregation, what else can it be used for?
Far from being just a “tacked on” module, we’ve designed the Map Module in iKnow to be a valuable asset in connecting the church community.
Meeting the needs of growth
The map is a great tool for growing churches, with regular monitoring you will be able to notice trends as they appear. You may find for example, that you are receiving an increasing number of visitors from an area where you have no small groups established, this may prompt a focus on outreach to minister in that area of your town.
Pair up new Christians with mature Christian mentors by using the map to locate those who live close to those who are new to the church. Or you may want to simply use this as a way to connect existing members who may not know that they live near to each other with the aid of a ‘neighbourhood party’ concept.
Ministering to those in need
Is there an elderly or ill member of your church, or perhaps from the community? Using the Map Module you can easily locate church members living close by that can lend a hand, cook meals, do grocery runs, befriend or help with other daily needs.
Providing help with practical difficulties
Life often throws obstacles in our paths, cars break down, snow may entrap us in our houses, children fall ill and many other situations appear that can make life difficult, and make it difficult to attend work, church or make other commitments.
With the help of the map module, events like these can be managed and coordinated, why not consider appointing a handful of trusted members to create an ‘SOS chain’. A similar concept to a prayer network, if someone finds themselves in difficulty they can call on an appointed person, who will then be responsible for using the map app to mobilise nearby help for the situation.
Keeping in step with the movement of God
By using the map, you may start to notice new clusters of members forming in an area, or you may find that there are consistent issues that are arising in certain locations. Visual mediums can often highlight matters that we may otherwise be missing. Praying over the situation whilst looking at a visual medium may just help enlighten things that you may have missed.
iKnow Church’s Map Module, like all our modules, is designed within the vision of creating a united community within churches. If you would like help with this, or any of our other features then contact a member of our team who are happy to assist.
You can call us on 0121 651 1125, or email the team on
iKnow Church - Church Admin Made Simple!