Common Ground Found in Custom Fields

Common Ground

Found in Custom Fields


We were created to be social creatures. Such a blessing it is to be surrounded by family and friends; loved ones we have the privilege of doing life with, and being part of their journey towards eternity.

Jesus commanded believers to love one another as He loved (John 13:34), which is only possible when we’re given a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26). It is to be a Christians identifying factor, right from the very first welcome of someone new and beyond.

Attending a new Church can be daunting if you don’t already know somebody there, and Custom Fields with iKnow can help you there as you help someone find their feet after that initial conversation with them.

Custom Fields

With our Custom Fields feature, you can completely customise all questions and answers to suit and find out information about another you might not have known or have simply forgotten. You may also find that you have things in common with someone at the Church you didn’t know so well.

When a person fills in their profile on iKnow, if you ask questions around hobbies, interests, professions, nationalities or whatever else, using our Finder tool means you’re able to find others who have answered the same and will be able to introduce them to someone they share something in common with which may help them ease their way in to Church life.

Once a person is set up on iKnow and has their own profile, you can utilise these same features to find people who may have certain skills or qualifications, such as a HGV licence or a hygiene certificate, to enquire about availability to serve the needs of the Church.

You can find out more about Custom Fields here and the Finder Tool here.

First published on: 11th August 2021
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