Church on the Go - your own church app

3It is expected that a quarter of the world will be using smartphones by 2016, and a third of the world by 2018. That is over 2.5 billion people using smartphones globally within a couple of years which includes rapid growth within developing countries. 

Mobile phones and smart technology have become a necessary form of communication, and it can be a really powerful tool to use in support of the Christian commission.

One thing heavily utilised by smart phones users are apps. Apps can be tailored to meet any specific concern and many churches now are starting to use apps as a way to communicate with not only the church but also to those who do not know Christ.

Smart technology is being increasingly adopted by people of all ages within church, many people are now using technology to access their bible and church information, so why not give them the ability to interact with your church via a church app?

There are lots of benefits for having a custom app built for your church but here is just a small list:

  • As apps have the ability to be made available globally, it can be used as tool for outreach and also as a way to keep in touch with missionaries connected with your church.
  • Including a welcome invite into the app can be a great way to welcome in new people during a Sunday service. By guiding them to the app, they can fill in their details and this will automatically add them to the people database on iKnow Church, allowing for more time to be spent following them up and less time on sorting through pieces of paper with obscure handwriting! 
  • It can provide an easy and convenient way for people to access podcasts of the church sermons - brilliant for during the week, giving your congregation access to church in their pockets.
  • Having church in their pockets will also provide a way for your congregation to interact with you in the way they would do within church, giving them the ability to purchase ticket, view the events calendar, keep up with social feeds, update their iKnow profiles, and even give to the church from within the app!
  • Keep the congregation updated in real-time with prayer requests.
  • Having a mobile church app just for your church is an excellent way to connect with your church members and first time visitors not only during a service but also during their week, giving them ability to access church on the go!  

For more information on how a mobile app could benefit your church visit our mobile app page or contact a member of the team on 0121 651 11 25

First published on: 21st December 2015
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