Building Community

Building Community

Over the past year or so we’ve been so encouraged to hear how our users, their people and communities have benefited from using iKnow Church. iKnow grew out of a vision from John 10:14: “I am the Good Shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know Me.” We’ve built our software out of this with the goal of no one in Church being left behind, which naturally opens opportunities for the wider community also.

The Communication Suite in iKnow is a great tool in reaching that goal.


Keep in Touch

With just a few clicks, you can have groups or lists created to easily communicate specific messages to some or all of your congregation, but also prepare content aimed at those who may be visitors of the Church from the wider community so they too can feel involved in Church life.

With the functionality to email, text or prepare letters, iKnow ensures everyone can be reached! It filters contacts based on their communication preferences meaning the hard work is already done for you.

Ask for Help

You can use custom fields to record very specific data within iKnow. For example, Drivers or those with a certain skill. As above, you can send a message out to said people who fit the criteria you’re after to fulfil the need that arises in your Church or to aid the community.

As Churches continue to open, arranging Hospitality Groups, Worship Leaders etc. has never been easier with iKnow. Rotas can be created which inform you of the availability of the group members if they’ve recorded their holidays, and with ease of communication, ensuring things are in place for the service becomes a doddle!

You can also submit prayer requests and have the comfort of knowing your brothers and sisters are praying for you.

Build Your Community

As soon as someone walks through your door or contacts you, you can record a person's first attendance, their enquiry, growth and anything that they’re involved with on a person's own profile. You can record as much or as little as you’d like from when they start their journey with you, profess faith, get baptised, become a member and their activities thereafter.

We’re delighted to hear about how iKnow is proving to be a useful tool to help carry each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2), pray for one another (James 5:16) and accept and welcome one another (Romans 15:7). We pray its usefulness for you and your Church in the same way.


First published on: 12th April 2021
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