August 2022 Updates

These are the latest updates to be released for iKnow Church over August 2022. 

Finance Updates

Recurring Donations - donors can now choose to setup a Recurring Donation and donate every week, month, quarter, 6 months or year. This can be for both cards and direct debits and they will be able to set an end date or have the donation continue until they cancel it. 

Automatic Increase of Donations - with the new Recurring Donations it also allows the Donor to choose to have their donation increase automatically without them or your church treasurer/finance team having to do anything. Donations can be set to increase automatically by a fixed amount (ie £5) or by a percentage (ie 3%). This, combined with our option to allow donors to cover transaction fees means the iKnow Church donation platform has some quite unique and powerful features.

Recurring Donations can be setup by the Donor or by your Finance team through the Donations module. Finance Users with the appropriate access can see the Recurring Donations by going to a Donor's profile. 

Recurring Donations within the iKnow Church donation platform

Emails - Within Settings there is now a new Email tab where you can customise messages sent to people once a donation is made. 

Finance - Email Notifications

Unassigned Recurring Donations - within Transactions there is a new Unassigned Recurring tab which will list anyone who has setup a Recurring Donation without logging in.

My Giving - the My Giving area means your church members can see historical giving and add new one off and recurring donations directly within iKnow Church. As they are already logged in, it ensures the donations are automatically assigned to their donor profile. 

My Giving is not enabled by default so the Finance Administrator will need to turn this on in Finance > Settings where they can also add custom text to appear at the top of the My Giving page. 

Enabling my Giving

Mobile App

An issue affecting some Android users where a blank screen would show on load has been resolved. Users who had this issue should download the latest version of the iKnow Church mobile app.

Minor Updates

Text Messaging - we've updated the Communication Suite to make it clearer when Text messages are being sent so that the send button changes to a Swirl animation once it is pressed.

Various Places - we've added to various fields an update to prevent Chrome from autofilling the email address in non-email fields. 

First published on: 10th August 2022
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