April 2020 Updates

These are the latest updates that have been applied to all churches using iKnow Church.


With churches not physically meeting due to COVID-19, rota reminders can be disabled per team. To disable the rota reminders from going out, go to settings and next to each team you will be able to disable rota reminders.

Rota reminders


A warning will be displayed if you add someone to iKnow Church where their name matches an existing record. 

Mobile App Builder

For churches with their own custom mobile app, we've updated the App Builder. With the App Builder you will now be able to upload a graphic and then use the iKnow image resizer to ensure that the image proportions are correct for the template you have chosen. We've also updated the previewer so you can see what your app looks like before submitting it.

If you have a custom app and haven't accepted Apples new Terms then please do this and then let us know so we can upgrade your app to the latest version. This only applies if you have a custom app.


First published on: 14th April 2020
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