April 2015 Updates

Our latest update to iKnow includes an update to the groups module as well as a number of other minor updates.

The groups feature is used by many churches for their small groups/ connect groups  and unlimited groups can be created in iKnow giving the different groups in your church their own area.

Through the groups, leaders can track attendance, communicate with their group members and record pastoral notes for the church leadership.

Joinable Groups

We’ve now updated the groups feature to allow members to request to join a group. By default groups will remain hidden (as previously) but a group can be adjusted to be ‘joinable’ so that people can choose a joinable group and apply to be a member.  Group leaders can then approve or reject a persons application. 

To enable a group to be joinable, your iKnow administrator should go to SETTINGS > GROUPS where they can adjust the group settings. 

Archive Groups

You may run groups that are only available for a certain period of time such as during a particularly year or season. Once the group is over it might be that you want to retain information such as attendance and group membership. Until now, there was no option to do this as the group would have been deleted and the information lost.

We’ve now added a feature where you can archive a group so that it is no longer joinable or seen by members. Church leaders and administrators can still access the group to see historical information and it will show in a persons profile any groups they previously have been part of.


First published on: 18th March 2015
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