June 2017 Updates

These are the updates applied to iKnow Church during June 2017.


We've added two new sections in the people module for attendance and finance.  These are both controlled by new admin groups so if you want to give access for someone to view this information in a persons profile you will need to select that option in the admin group. 


The clever techies have updated finder code so that it runs queries faster.

Renamed 'Smart Circles' to 'Searches'.

New queries to help with pastoral care so that attendance is searchable.

New queries to search for people who are at a certain step within a process.


We've extended the period you can set rotas for from 6 months to 8 months in advance.


Giving Statements now sequence the transactions chronologically.

Communication Suite

We've updated the formatting of emails sent out using the Communication Suite to prevent extra lines breaks being added to emails.

Child Check-in

We've added new reports to the Child Check-on module so that you can select which information you want to see and export. For those churches that want a lot of information you can bow choose landscape layout for your PDF report.

It is now possible to choose which custom questions appear for guest children on a Sunday. 


We've updated the modals that appear when you perform a lot of the popular tasks such as adding or editing members. Now these modals are dragable around the screen. 

Settings Icon - for those who manage iKnow for their church, you will have noticed the Settings icon has changed to a Cog.  We know that this development won't change lives but hopefully it suits Settings better than the previous icon.


First published on: 29th June 2017
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