These are the latest updates applied to all iKnow Church users.
Small Groups
If you are using the attendance feature within small groups then the following updates have been made:
- The flag has been updated to only show if there have been more than 4 entries for that person
- A new column has been added to small groups for attendance overall. The first column shows the attendance for the previous 3 months
Those who have pastoral oversight over a number of groups will now see that their groups are ordered alphabetically.
Attendance can now be taken for events other than small groups. To enable this feature the iKnow administrator needs to go to Settings > Configuration. The small group leader will be able to take attendance for these events within their small group module.
The group member count no longer counts deleted people.
For larger churches that have a large number of small group networks, it is now possible to create sub-levels of small group networks (ie Sussex > Crawley > Furnace Green). The Small Group Network page now features drag-able options to create the sub sections.
The settings area of Groups has been modified and now allows the full address for the group to be entered giving greater accuracy on group locations within the map feature.
Small Groups can now be moved from one campus to another.
A Small Group leader can now add a member to their Group directly within the attendance module. This is turned off by default but can be enabled by your church administrator going to Settings > Configuration and people added this way will appear under pending people.
Everyone serving on a team will automatically get an email reminder before the event. This has always been defaulted as 3 days before an event which can then be changed by each member of the church. The update we have added now allows a church to specify what the default should be for rota reminders. This can be updated by the iKnow administrator in Settings > Configuration.
Notes can now be added to each rota. The rota notes will be included in the rota reminder emails sent to people serving that week.
The previous 4 weeks rotas can now be viewed by the rota organiser by clicking on View Past 4 Weeks at the top of the rota page.
Team leaders can communicate just with those serving on a certain week by clicking on the envelope icon for that week.
Room Booking
We've adjusted the Room Booking Client form so that address and phone number are no longer required field.
New finder queries have been added for:
- find people who are aged within a certain age range
- find people who have not logged into iKnow for the last x number of days/weeks/months
- find people who are in / not in a certain small group network
- find people who are in / not in archived groups
The small groups finder query has been updated to only search for active groups and will no longer search in archived groups.
Browser/Device Testing
The team and groups section has now been completely redeveloped to ensure that it completely works on all mobile devices.