Finding people quickly, with the help of iKnow Finder

Being able to find people within your church is an essential aspect of a church administration system, and a professional system is one that is proficient in creating comprehensive searches within the church database.

With iKnow Church, you have access to a powerful and highly effective search tool, called Finder. The Finder Module searches through your church database to find people most relevant to your need.

Clear and targeted communication is important in churches, where we are often dealing with a number of people with ranging backgrounds, talents, abilities, knowledge and a breadth of believer maturity levels.

As such, you most likely run a variety of courses and service teams that cater for people at different stages of their faith. For the visitor or unbeliever, inviting them to an intercessory course may not be wise, however for those mature in their faith, you may want to communicate to them about such courses.

Filtering through church members on your database is sensible, and a task that most churches probably already perform mentally. For some churches, being able to know each individual personally may be the case but as the church grows, or as ministers and regular members move away, so does the knowledge. Relying on this knowledge without keeping a record can create considerable setbacks should there be a change or move within the church, resulting in lost information.

The Finder Module keeps the expertise of the church contained in a secure system that will remain in place in amongst any changes. 

Not only is this helpful for creating clear communications and for running effective ministries in church, but it is a huge advantage for pastoral care issues. As an example, you can easily locate those people who are either serving in too many teams, or not serving enough, helping you to bring balance into the church.

Finder has an unlimited number of search levels, allowing you to create searches within searches, producing completely unique and customisable queries, which can be saved and are instantly updated as relevant changes are made elsewhere in the system. Below is a brief list of some of the type of searches Finder is able to perform:

Search for people within specific or multiple teams and/or groups, or find those who are not in a group or team at all.

  • Find people between certain ages and those who have a birthday within a given month.
  • Those who have or have not attended small group in the last week/month.
  • Search for visitors and non-Christians in the system, you can also filter this by specific marks in their walk of faith, such as non-Christians who attend on a regular basis but are not yet baptised. 
  • Search for members who attend services and small groups but who are not serving.
  • Find people by postcode in which they live.  
  • Search for those who did not attend a specific event, or before a certain date.
  • Find people within multiple subgroups of group networks.

There are of course, many more types of searches that you can perform through Finder, this is just a short list.

Having an efficient method in which to make and collect queries is a fundamental aspect of a quality church database system, and iKnow Church provides an intricate mechanism to generate comprehensive search queries, in order to equip and empower churches.

If you would like any information on the Finder Module or any other aspects of iKnow Church, then our team are happy to help. Give us a call on 0121 651 1125 or email us on

You can also trial us for free for 30 days, click here for your free trial, or contact a member of our team who can assist.

First published on: 2nd April 2018
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