What's New in Communication

Our team of developers are constantly working to make iKnow Church the best possible solution for churches and we are very excited to announce the launch of our latest features: Roles, Branding and Messages



This is a brand new feature within iKnow Church. Roles is a simple way to group together people who need the same level of access. For example you may have volunteers  that all need the same permissions, so you can simply add them to the new role.

It is important to note: If you update the role with new permissions, it will apply this new permission to all of the people in this role, overriding anything you may have changed for that individual. If however, you need to add or remove specific permissions to an individual person assigned to a role, you can do this within their own profile and override any settings for the role they're assigned to. Just remember, if the role is changed then it will override changes set for that individual.

Branding and Communications

All of us want our church communication to be clear and easy to recognise for our congregation and wider community. Many of the churches who use iKnow have specific branding and colours that they use for website, social media and other brochures. You can now use iKnow to reflect that too. You can also make sure all of the communication sent from iknow have wording that is in line with the way you communicate any other messages.


  • Branded Templates for emails and letters
  • Branded login pages for iKnow Church
  • Change the wording of automatic iKnow emails to suit your churches communication style.
  • Create process emails that can be triggered automatically by different events in iKnow.

A closer Look:

  • Branded Templates for emails and letters
    Apply your church logo and colour schemes to emails sent through iKnow. You can create different templates for different types of communication, and you can create templates for downloadable letters, too.
  • iKnow Church login page branding
    Apply all of your branding and imagery to the login page people see when they first visit your iKnow Church account.
  • Change the wording of automatic iKnow emails to suit your church's communication style.
    Any emails like rota reminders, or forgotten password emails can now be adjusted by your team to reflect the language and communication style that you would regularly use with your congregation.
  • Process Templates
    Create templates for process emails to make following up with your congregation after different events or milestones easier. 
  • Branded Downloadable PDF.
    Anything downloaded from iknow as PDF's such as new Rota's, reports or room booking schedules can now be branded with the logo of your church.


This will be availble to those who have administration access on your iKnow account. If you would like assistance adjusting acessibility levels, please get in touch with our support team on 0121 651 11 25 and select option 2 for support. 

Head to our support site for full tutorials here.

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